Airfield Walk

It was lovely and sunny on Thursday so we decided to go for a walk round the airfield as we hadn’t done a full circuit there for absolutely ages. We’ve been there for mini walks but they don’t really count.


All the round bales are still there including this cute little baby bale, which is just the right size for me, and there are now quite a lot more of the big ones since we last visited.


We can wave at the horses from here – that’s our field right on the horizon, in front of the big oak tree. It’s the lone oak just to the right of centre… I don’t think they wave back at us.


There is a lot of space everywhere here.


And lots of sky as well. Sometimes I hang back so I can run really fast to catch up with mum. Or not. Sometimes I just make her wait for me. That little black dot in the distance is me.


And here’s me all caught up.


They’ve been doing some ‘landscaping’ at the wood chip factory. They’ve placed some huge logs with signs on… we’d like logs like this in our garden.


Look at this huge log pile!


Next to the log pile are lots of piles of the wood chips. We didn’t see the big chipping lorry but if you’d like to read all about the huge lorry that can turn logs into chips really fast you can find it here!


We don’t often see cars and people but today there were some people standing in one of the fields talking.


A bit further on I met this nice collie, she was in season so her dad had brought her here to keep here away from boy dogs. We had a little dance while we sniffed each other and then went on our separate walks.


Look!  A new bench! We love benches and this is number 2 on the airfield.


This one has a little plaque on it.


So it would have been rude not to sit down for a while and look at the view. Thank you Peter Gibbs.


Here are some pink bales. We wanted pink bales this year but Farmer Brian had run out of pink wrap so we had to have the boring pale green again. He said that farmers were only allowed to buy one roll each. Pfft.


Just past the bales is the big bonfire pile. It’s got pallets and all sorts on it, even some great big bits of tree, some plastic flowers, oasis, a big blue plastic barrel and sundry other interesting bits of tat.


Two tractors were out working today. The one in the last picture was smoothing out the field and the other tractor was ploughing.


This is the old bench that we usually sit on.


This is the view from Taff’s bench.


And that was the end of our walk, we were back by the big black hangar near where we park the car. There are no Lancaster Bombers in this hangar any more but sometimes there are cows…


And it’s also home to some double decker buses!

IMG_0670Another walk done.. mum forgot to switch the walk gadget on so it’s missed a chunk, but it’s almost 3½ miles all the way round. Sometimes we’ll walk down round the rectangle on the left hand side, and down to the road by the river so I can have a swim, but we didn’t do that on this walk.  The big straight line you can see used to be the main runway but that’s not there any more.


That’s it for now..


6 thoughts on “Airfield Walk

  1. What a lovely sunny day. Looks like a great walk too,many so nice of those folks to provide benches. Did you take any hay home it looks as though it has just been left there for people to take away.

    Thanks for the walk I always enjoy it.


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